BOLSM Volume 12 Part 2: Negative Spiritual Issues in a Professional

Cal Banyan continues to go where few professional hypnotists dare to go and talks about the many strange things that can arise in your sessions and how to handle them professionally and expertly.
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Cal Banyan goes where few professional hypnotists dare to go and talks about the many strange things that can arise in your sessions, including spiritual attachments and dark force energies. He is also joined by Bill Lukas, who is an expert in this area and extends the discussion to some even stranger circumstances.
- Who should be prepared to work with these strange phenomena?
- How to protect yourself if such things come up in a session.
- How to work with these "entities" without leading the client.
- How to work with these without interfering with the client's belief systems.
- How to integrate this unusual work with the professional approach of 5-PATH®.
- Handouts for how to do the work.
- How to remove/release both actual "entities" and psychological constructs.
Full Title: Negative Spiritual Issues in a Professional Practice
Hosted by Calvin Banyan
2 Audios - Approx. 109 minutes - Audio Sample