BOLSM Volume 11: Going Beyond the 4 to 6 Session Schedule

Every client is different and a cookie-cutter approach just doesn't cut it. Learn how to give an accurate estimate of sessions and schedule complicated issues.
$29.95 $20.97
Every client is different and a cookie-cutter approach just doesn't cut it. Cal Banyan takes the group beyond the 4 to 6 session paradigm commonly associated with 5-PATH® and discusses the many factors that can lead to having to spend more time with a client.
- How to determine if you need to return to a particular Phase and how to do it correctly.
- What you should do if 5-PATH® doesn't completely resolve your client's issue.
- What you should do for clients that want a "booster shot."
- What if new issues, emotions, erroneous beliefs and/or physical symptoms come up during a session?
- How to work differently with problems that are of only a physical nature.
- How to work with problems which are only of an emotional nature.
Hosted by Calvin Banyan
2 Audios - Approx. 93 minutes - Audio Sample