Hypnotist Taly Viner

by Taly Viner

I would like to write about a topic that is as intriguing as it is controversial to many of my peers and some of my colleagues. A topic which, when encountered in our offices, calls, in the very least, for a non-judgmental facilitation. It potentially gives us a glimpse into a reality far greater than meets the naked eye and challenges us to expand our perception and enhance our hypnotic capabilities. This provocative topic is Spiritual Attachments, also known as Spiritual Parasites.

The ancient wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that a man’s soul is like a flame of a candle. A single candle can theoretically ignite infinite others without it affecting the size of its own flame. Additionally, numerous candles can simultaneously ignite their fellow candle, and its flame’s size will not be affected by the number of candles that lit it or by their size. Therefore, just by looking at the flame, there is no indication as to how many flames lit it up, or as to how many it lent its own fire! So it is with a spirit; just by looking at our client most of us cannot tell how many spirits reside in that body or how fragmented our client’s spirit is.

Why is it, then, that we assume that there is a single spirit in each living body?

Danielle,* a beautiful young executive in her mid-thirties, came to see me in late 2012 for lesbian thoughts that started plaguing her two years prior. Danielle knows and identifies herself as a heterosexual female and has been involved with men both romantically and sexually. She quickly went into a deep state of hypnosis and I asked her to describe the thoughts and feelings that accompanied them. As she narrated those thoughts her demeanor changed. I asked her to go deeper into these feeling and follow them to their origin.

She found herself as a 50 yr. old woman named Sarah, who was dying from pneumonia in a hospital bed.
I asked her what year it was, and she replied that it was 2010 (which is about two years before Danielle came in for help). She described how angry and disappointed she was at her gay lover for not tending to her when she was dying. “Go on” I said gently. Sara continued to narrate how she got out of her body and walked around the hospital, thinking that no one really cared about her and feeling lonely and angry.

In the next room, Sarah noticed a beautiful woman who was tending to her loved one. That woman was my client, Danielle, who came to visit her sick aunt. Sarah liked Danielle’s looks and caring energy, and she decided to “stay” with her.

Samuel,* a 23 yr. old student, was a client that came to my office for his generalized fear. This fear has been with him ever since he can remember. I used an instant induction, and he immediately emerged himself, panting and needing to catch his breath. I coaxed him to lean back and focus on this fear, bringing it up strong and powerful and following it all the way back to its origin.

He found himself experiencing himself as a 4 year old girl wearing a cute little white dress, hugging a worn out teddy bear, running in terror into the woods closely chased by a bear. Sadly, the bear won and the next thing was a bewildered little girl, standing on the side, terrifyingly watching the bear ravage her body. I gently prompted Samuel to continue and he described how the girl was screaming in despair, wanting her mommy to hear her and rescue her, but to no avail. She was dead, and did not realize it. That little girl’s spirit was wandering around scared and devastated, and did not have an ascension experience. The next thing she described was attaching to an infant for the comfort of the womb. She so wanted a mommy. The pregnant woman was my client’s mother, and the embryo was my client, Samuel.

The above are two examples of discarnate human spirit attachment.

When two or more consciousnesses are utilizing the same physical body, there are two or more sets of thought processes / feelings that are experienced and expressed through the same nervous system. Therefore, the client finds it extremely challenging to differentiate his/her thoughts and feelings from those of the attached entity, and feels confused and out of control.

In order to assist our clients, it is necessary to release the attached spirit and have it ascend to the Light for the continuation of its own journey. I believe that everything is divinely timed. When a client asks for help, it is somehow the secret desire of the attached spirit to be released as well. Once the spiritual parasite is released, we can safely deal with issues that belong solely to our client.

There are a number of other types of attachments other than those of discarnate human spirits, and there are techniques that serve as guidelines in the process of their releasement. Techniques can be learnt**, but techniques are just guidelines. When we work with people, we have to listen on many levels. We have to listen to their words, and the words that were not there. We have to listen to what they are really saying. We have to listen to our own intuition and adapt the process to best serve the client.

The points to remember when you do this kind of work are:

  1. There is free will available to all, yet some will choose not to own it! – That is also a choice!
    Some of those entities chose to give up their free will for a reason that seemed tempting to them….most of the time a promise for power in a negative way (vengeance, tyranny, etc.)

  2. Come from Love! The attached entities suffer! They are not experiencing freedoms. They may be “stuck” in fear, anger or guilt for a very long time. Trust that when they are found, it is a plea to be released…even if it may be denied by them! They will tell you how grateful they are once “released”.

  3. Everything has a higher purpose. It is important to understand that even though your client seems and feels like a victim (it may seem as though your client has no say in such a situation), this situation serves him/her somehow in the grander picture of the evolution of their soul. Until the purpose of the experience is achieved, your client will attract more experiences that will call his/her attention to that which caused them to be vulnerable to the attachment in the first place. All is perfect somehow. I thank my husband, Eran, for being such a wise teacher who showed that truth to me on so many levels and in so many occasions.

  4. Be Connected, Be LOVE. Everyone and everything is a part of Creator, and as such, all are Light and Love at their default. Yes, even the darkest of the dark! Love is the most fundamental vibration in the universe. When you amplify your own love, it resonates with the most ancient part of everyone and everything, and reminds them of who they truly are! It is most touching to witness a shift in the perception from “I am Evil, Dark and Unforgivable” to “I am Light and Love”, both in humans and other beings.

  5. When doing this work you are NEVER alone! I fully opened up to this reality after I participated in a ThetaHealing class. When you emit love, you attract beings of Light who are there to help the overall constellation of events to the highest and best good. They are beautiful beings and their assistance is always divinely timed and indispensable. You will be unbelievably supported.

  6. 6. Keep an impeccable connection to your own Creator. Invoke your own Light and be rooted in it. When you are connected you are amplifying your spiritual immune system. When your immune system is strong you are vital and healthy. I like to practice 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®, a mind-body-spirit form of self-hypnosis, and thank Cal Banyan every day for developing it, teaching it to me and to many others.

There’s an old saying from the Jewish Talmud: “I learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students (or clients)”. I believe that there are no mistakes. When a client is sent our way for help, then it is the universe’s gift to both of us. All that is asked of us as facilitators is to bring our non-judgmental, compassionate, loving presence and be open – minded… and who knows? Maybe we’ll learn something.

*Identifying details have been altered for client confidentiality issues.

**Good sources of information about Spiritual Parasites and guidelines on how to handle them are:

Baldwin, William, D.D.S., PhD, Spirit Releasement Therapy, A technique Manual
Hickman, Irene, D.O, Mind Probe Hypnosis
Fiore, Edith, Ph.D, The Unquiet Dead
Electronic Media
Calvin D. Banyan, MA, Spirit Releasement Hypnotherapy for the Professional


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