Hypnotized For Success

Hypnotist Tom Nicoli

by Tom Nicoli

When I began writing this article, the title I had in mind was Hypnosis as a Way of Life.

But I realized that didn’t best describe my thoughts. Then I thought to use the title Practice What You Preach. Again, that touched upon part of what I was thinking, but didn’t make the point. As usual, my thoughts came like an avalanche and as I sat sifting through them, it came to me.

I regularly practice gratitude, being thankful, while accepting abundances in all forms. And as I was doing this recently, I realized that the reason I had so much to be thankful for is that I have had success on many levels, personally, emotionally, financially, in relationships, with my family, etc. Then I thought about how this all came about. I recalled how life was when I was working 3 jobs, 6-7 days per week, frustrated, struggling and at one point ended up in bankruptcy. Even then, I had a belief that somehow, someway, this was all going to change, and it did.

I had grown up as it’s described, “old school.” My dad was very clear as to how things should be in the way of behavior, manners, respect, a strong work ethic, high standards and all the qualities that I believe have helped direct me to be the way I am. The greatest lesson was that he led by example, he practiced what he preached. This is what I believe has been one of my best attributes for it’s been very effective as a parent, an instructor and a professional hypnotist. By practicing what I preach, as it were, as a hypnotist working with clients for self improvement, I use hypnosis as a way of life. I firmly believe that I would not have the life and lifestyle I am grateful for if I had done it any other way.

So you see, Hypnotized For Success sums it up wonderfully. By practicing the hypnotic techniques for success that we share with our clients, we practice what we preach, use hypnosis as a way of life and are hypnotized for success. You would think with my practice A Better You Hypnosis, Inc., being the founder and principal instructor of New England Institute of Hypnosis, the responsibilities of World Hypnotism Day, the books I’ve written and others I’ve begun, the speaking engagements, presentations, radio and television appearances, marketing hypnosis products and other projects I have in the works presently, that I would be an emotional mess and have no time for me or my family. On the contrary. I feel like I work less, have more energy, am more positive and have just begun. Why? Because I am Hypnotized For Success! What are you waiting for?


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