Hypnosis or Psychology as a Career and Hypnosis Doesn’t Heal Anything

Hypnotherapist Instructor Cal Banyan

by Calvin D. Banyan

Hello Everybody,

Cal Banyan here with another episode of Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis, Etc., with Celeste Hackett, an informative, interesting and at times fun show about Hypnosis, where we’ll talk about all kinds of stuff hypnosis related. Uh, by the way, I want you to visit www.calbanyan.com especially if you’re viewing this anywhere except on www.calbanyan.com for example, we’re listed in iTunes that way you’ll be able to get to the notes associated with this program and any links that we put down, down there, below this image. Alright Celeste, what’s going on with you and what’ve you got for me today?

Celeste: Well, hello everyone, yes, I’m also here, and I’m the fun part by the way, ha, ha, just kidding, Cal. Umm, umm, Hypnosis verses Psychology as a career path, uh, hypnotists possibly to be, wrote in wondering, you know, what would make her moreā€¦.which way should she go, she wants to know what you can do with Hypnosis as opposed what you can do with Psychology. She’s trying to figure out what kind of career path she wants.

And then, should you direct your client to more events during a Regression if they only come up with one or two things. And we’re also going to talk about how to help clients to attract healthy, meaningful relationships when dating. And then, Cal has something really special for you, uh, how to make yourself look dumb or smart, as a Hypnotist, actually I think he’s calling it dumb Hypnotist tricks.

Cal: You think we’re going to get through all that in 20 minutes?

Celeste: Okay, then just the first one, Hypnosis verses Psychology as a career path and you know I’m ambitious, Cal.

Cal: You are, well, that’s good everybody should be ambitious. Alright, let’s see here, so, give me the question the way it was brought up to you.

Celeste: Well, it goes like this, “I am considering becoming a Hypnotist, can you tell me, is it possible to say what types of issues or problems that are best helped with Hypnosis as opposed to counseling or hypnosis? For example, I would imagine Hypnosis is pretty good for stopping bad habits, like smoking, finger nail biting, being disorganized, but maybe not too good for things that have a deep psychological root like negative self image, personality disorders, depression, etc.

Cal: Beautiful, where did you get that question from?

Celeste: Uh, I don’t know. You know, I’m all over the place, coming up with questions, and I don’t remember where I got that one from.

Cal: Okay, prioritize the Ask Cal group on our www.OurHypnoSpace.com , okay? Because we’ve been telling people to go there, so we want to make sure that if, you know, if they post a question there, that we’ll get to them, alright?

Celeste: Okay, I usually do check it, uh, I didn’t check it right before this show. But, uh, there wasn’t anything new that I saw the last time I checked, which I think was Friday? Oh, I’m sorry a couple of days ago.

Cal: Okay, well good. So, I know, I’m hearing a lot of stuff in this question I could probably really talk about it for a couple of hours, but, one of the things I heard is what is umm, what is Hypnosis good for compared to talk hypnosis and I’m also hearing what is the right career path for me, have I got that right, Celeste?

Celeste: That’s correct.

Cal: Okay, so let’s say you’re considering, gee, should I become a, uh, you know, a Hypnotist or should I become a Psychologist? Well, gosh, you know, you, there’s no you don’t have to be one or the other; you could be both if you wanted to. Uh, in fact, uh, if you have a strong calling to be a Psychologist, then by all means go for it. I’m very much in favor of education, if you want a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, a Ph.D., I know you can, for sure go ahead and do that.

One of the nice things though is, uh, you can start doing Hypnosis or helping people with Hypnosis a lot sooner than it takes to get one of those degrees. Now I come from a background in Psychology and umm, basically left that profession in favor of Hypnosis, because it’s a lot more satisfying for me and umm, you know, exciting for me.

But, and you know probably depends on your particular school of thought, but if you studied Clinical Hypnosis and wanted to get a license in, uh, not Clinical Hypnosis, excuse me. If you wanted to get a degree, a Ph.D., in Clinical Psychology, that’s really, umm, a degree in working with people who need to be in the Clinical environment and what does that mean? People who are mentally ill, and I found that very dissatisfying after a while.

Because mainly as a psychologist, that’s working with people who are mentally ill, you’re mainly doing diagnostic work and assessment work and reports and trying to manage their behaviors, in particular the behavior of doing, of taking medications, and gosh, it’s not all that satisfying. And if you are working with normal everyday people with normal everyday problems, uh, you’re not going to be able to diagnose them, I mean if it’s a normal everyday problem.

Then they’re not mentally ill and diagnosis indicates that there’s something wrong with the person, so you’re not going to be able to get third party payment and stuff like that for healthy people who just want to improve their lives. So, really there are a lot of psychologists out there working with normal everyday people but there is kind of pressure to make diagnosis when perhaps it isn’t umm, completely appropriate.

So, let’s look at it this way also, if you decide to be a Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, and you’re going to work with mentally ill people, depending on the statistics and how you define mentally ill, really only a small percentage of the population is mentally ill. So let’s just round off the numbers and say 10% is mentally ill, the other 90% are normal everyday people with normal everyday problems. From a personal fulfillment point of view, professionally, uh, being able to help people, and also from a monetary point of view, I would much rather have the 90% of the population as my potential customer, or client base than I would 10%.

Plus the people who are mentally ill, usually they don’t have a job, and they don’t have an income and you’re really at the will of the insurance company and other people who might pay for services. But when you work with normal everyday people with normal everyday problems, these people typically have jobs and credit cards and things like that and so it’s a much more prosperous area, in my opinion having been in both fields than in uh, Clinical Psychology.

Uh, so what should you do, depends on what you want to be, you know, if it’s very, very important to you to get a Ph.D., or a M.A. or a B.A., B.S., you know, go for it, but you don’t have to wait for 4 years before you can start helping people if you want to get the Bachelor’s Degree or 6 years if you want to get the Master’s Degree or 7 or 8 years if you want to get the Ph.D.

If what you really want to do is start becoming involved in a profession where you can start making a very nice income and have the satisfaction of helping people right away, then, get your Hypnosis training at, from someone who’s qualified to give you really excellent Hypnosis training. And then begin doing it while you’re working for your Ph.D., or M.A. Now let me tell you something, most college students don’t have a way to make $100.00 an hour, okay.

But if you are a Hypnotist, and if you’re properly trained, you could make a $100.00 an hour or more seeing clients. There are lots of people out there in college who are working many, many hours a week just to make a few hundred dollars, whereas if you get your Hypnosis Training first, and then decide to go get those degrees, you’ll have a very nice way to uh, make a very nice income as a student. How’s that Celeste, anything else, I missed, or anything like that?

Celeste: Excellent answer from somebody who really has been there and knows that’s what I think. Hey, Cal, you know I’ve just logged onto “Ask Cal” and do you think we should uh, throw a little curve ball and just uh, drop the whole thing we were going to do and ask one of these questions on here just for fun? That keeps people on their toes, you know.

Cal: Yeah, you know what? I want to be surprised everyday.

Celeste: Me too! Okay, I’m just going to read this guy’s question to you and remember you can go to “Ask Cal”. It’s www.AskCal.OurHypnoSpace.com and put your question up there and then you’ll get it answered on our show and we’ll even wave to you and say, “Hi, Hi”. To Steve R, who wrote this question in, and I’m just going to read it right off. He says, “Hi there, how would you handle working with a client who wants to be motivated to do something that you personally are very, very leery of?

Not necessarily meaning that you thinking that it’s immoral or unethical, just not wise. For example, if you’re working with a client who turns out, wants to get up the nerve to quit his job and pump his life savings into a real estate scheme, promoted by one of the many real estate gurus out there. I believe that uh, personal view points should be kept out of working with clients, but what if you do from your understanding of it believe that this scheme would lead to a bad outcome? Then what do you do? And he does have a few more paragraphs here but I do think that that’s the gist of his question, would you like me to continue or stop there?

Cal: Well, let me see, I’m going to make a stab at that and then if you think you need to ask the rest of the question that’ll be fine. Alright, guess what, I think that you’ve got to make a personal decision there. What, what’s the name of this fella that asked the question?

Celeste: Steve R.

Cal: Oh, Steve yes, hi Steve, I met you at the convention and you’re quite busy uh, umm, busy participating in OurHypnoSpace, I really appreciate that. So Steve, if it doesn’t feel right then, don’t do it, you know. Say, “You know what? I’m not comfortable with suggesting that to you” and then tell them why. But on the other hand, we want to help our clients fulfill what they want to fulfill. If it was me, I would say, “If you’ve got the money honey, I got the time, in other words, if this is something that you want to do, then I’m going to help you do it”.

And I would do the work with them, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that then, I wouldn’t do it. So, umm, you need to follow your own instincts on that. My instincts on that particular question, is as I understand it, is I would help them do it. Because a lot of times when our clients come to us with a particular problem it may seem insignificant, like maybe they may want to work on their tennis game or golf game.

The issue that they bring up is a microcosm of their macrocosm, and by that mean, this little thing that they’re bringing to us is, is not just in that little part of their life, it resonates through their whole life. So here’s a fellow, he wants to go for it you know, he said, by golly, I want to go for it, I think this is the very best thing for me given everything I know about my life.

But I’m afraid, well, you’re going to help him overcome that fear, that’s what I would work on, I would focus on removing the fear and then when you remove the fear and then if he still wants to do it, then he can go do it and he can do anything in a more fearless way in every area of his life. So, what I would do is not so much focus on giving him suggestions to do the specific thing but to remove the fear that’s blocking him from doing this. And then he gets to choose whether he does it or not. How’s that Celeste?

Celeste: I love that answer, Cal Banyan, you’re a Hypnosis genius. And I think we should, is it time? I’m so excited, is it time to go on to dumb Hypnotists tricks?

Cal: Oh, yes, I think that’s a good idea. Okay, Celeste doesn’t know anything about this, just before we turned on the camera, I said, Celeste I got a new topic I want and everyone of our, uh, uh, Hypnosis, Etc., shows with and that is, well, I don’t want to say stupid Hypnotist tricks, but dumb Hypnotist tricks. Things that Hypnotists do that undermine their success, okay, so that’s okay with you Celeste?

Celeste: I just hope I haven’t done any of them.

Cal: Well, I don’t think you have, if you went through my course uh, that you would never do a stupid Hypnotist trick, I mean a dumb Hypnotist trick. Alright, I just wrote an article on my blog, www.calbanyan.com, I was talking to the President of the NGH on the phone the other night, I think it was the day before, it was Friday, Friday afternoon and I read him that article on my blog and he says, “Cal, I like that, will you do a more in depth article for the December Journal of Hypnotism?” I said, I sure will.

And it’s all about the stupid Hypnotist trick, I mean dumb Hypnotist trick, of saying, I’m a healer, I’m a healer, I’m a healer, come see me I’m a healer and I say smart Hypnotists don’t call themselves healers. What do you think about that Celeste?

Celeste: Well, uh, if people go to our www.OurHypnoSpace.com they’ll see that uh, you’ve written some really good points on this and they would be already privy, so umm, if you forget some of this stuff, or you want some bullet points, my secret is, go there and read about it, Cal’s just blogged about it on our www.OurHypnoSpace.com , ooh, did I give that away?

Cal: Actually, the version that I put on our www.OurHypnoSpace.com is even better than the one I did on www.calbanyan.com. So, let me tell you what I think, I think that if you go around, shouting to the world that you are a healer, that you make it difficult for everyone in this profession to practice and you give the powers that be that would love to put you out of business, just the kind of ammunition they need. Because Hypnosis doesn’t heal anything, what do you think of that Celeste?

Celeste: Absolutely true, continue…

Cal: When I put this up on my blog, I got all kinds of uh, emails to me, comments on the blog about “Well, what about Hypnosis and pain management? What about Hypnosis and overcoming uh, Asthma and things like that?” Well, the smart Hypnotist says, Hypnosis doesn’t heal anything, and if you do anything other than that, you’re doing a dumb Hypnotist trick, because the only real healing power in the universe is your own body’s innate ability to heal, given the right circumstances.

Well, if it’s not over stress and so on, what the other one is, is the power of your own creator to heal you. So, I’m going, just, I don’t want to make this too long, I’ve got to check my clock here, I only got like a few more minutes. What we do is, we remove blockages to healing, what we want to think about is in terms of by removing stress, by uh, helping people to uh, behave in a way that’s healthier for them, like taking their medication, sleeping well at night and things like that, that we can be complimentary to what medical professionals are doing. But the smart Hypnotist says, “Hypnosis doesn’t heal anything.” Good, what do you think of that Celeste?

Celeste: Well, I just can’t wait to see the rest of this in the December issue of the umm, NGH Journal of Hypnotism coming up.

Cal: That’s right, once in a while I write something that’s pretty provocative and the editor uh, has to write me and tell me about it, but he doesn’t mind. I mean I’ve been writing for them, for years and years now and uh, he doesn’t mind, he says at least we know that people are reading the Journal. By the way, NGH Journal of Hypnotism, I held it up on last week’s episode; it’s the place to go to get lots and lots of good information from professionals in the profession.

I want to just read off three things I wrote that I think that you should think about when you hold your services out and you hold yourself up. Number 1, I am, this is what you tell people, instead of say, I’m a healer, I’m a healer, okay. You say I ‘am a Hypnosis Professional, a Hypnotist or a Counseling Hypnotist. I’m reading from my computer screen down here, that’s why you see me looking down. I work with everyday people who want help with breaking habits, improving motivation and increasing personal performance and so on.

Number 2, I do have skills that people with health issues can benefit from, for example, reducing stress, and improving sleep and so on. I work with medical issues when I can partner with a medical professional who’s licensed to diagnose illness and recommend Hypnosis to their patients.

And number 3, I’m not a healer, there are only 2 sources of healing, your body’s own innate ability to heal and the ability of your creator to heal you. Okay, that’s it, I got my first uh, dumb Hypnotist trick out there where I’d like to spend a few minutes on each one of the upcoming Broadcasts, or Podcasts or Net casts, or Webcasts, whatever this is, covering common mistakes that Hypnotists make that make their sessions more difficult or make it more difficult to practice our profession. Alright, you want to wrap it up, Celeste?

Celeste: Yeah, that’s it uh, for me and Cal Banyan. Here, by the way the copy of the latest National Guild of Hypnotist Magazine that Cal was talking about if you are a member of the National Guild, you get to have this magazine for free, it’ll come right to your doorstep and there’s a lot of good stuff in here that you don’t want to miss. I’m Celeste Hackett in Dallas, Texas, my business is Family First Hypnosis, please visit me on the web at www.familyfirsthypnosis.com . That’s it for Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis, Etc., see you next time.

Cal: And, this is Cal Banyan signing off.

This recording is the property of Cal Banyan and Cal Banyan’s, Banyan Publishing, Incorporated. All rights reserved, for private use only, may not be duplicated without written permission.


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