Are You Overlooking Your Greatest Asset?

Hypnotist Tom Nicoli

by Tom Nicoli

CEO’s use it, pro athletes use it and so do the most successful people in all areas of life. It is without doubt the most beneficial, powerful and result oriented tool available to all of us, yet most people never even know it. Better yet, it costs nothing, is easy to do and can be utilized immediately.

You are now asking yourself, “What is IT and how do I use IT? Where do I get IT?” Where you get IT is here in this article. What IT is and how you use IT will be explained in detail as you continue reading. But before I do that, let me ask you something.

Are you willing to read what’s next with an open mind and a willingness to allow yourself to not be critical, analytical or judgmental? If so, then get ready to learn about IT.

IT, is your subconscious mind. That part of you that you ignore, don’t understand and lies in waiting. Ready and able to do things for you that are sometimes beyond imagination and comprehension. An internal power that you have yet to develop and will prove to be the greatest asset you have available to you.

The subconscious mind is known to most as our inner voice, intuition, gut feeling or conscience. Our subconscious mind is where all memory, creativity, morality, ethics and guidance lie. Along with all conditioned responses, both physical and emotional, that are also know as habits, or habitual responses.

We all know that if we do something enough times, that action becomes a habit. Practice makes perfect, I can now do it in my sleep, I can do that with my eyes closed. Sound familiar? Well, let me explain how and why this happens and how you are going to use this to make positive changes in any and every aspect of your life, simply and easily.

Whenever we do something, a neural pathway is created in the mind. The information of the event is encoded in the brain so we can access that information again. The more we do something, the deeper that pathway becomes, thus creating a habit. The more we do something repetitively, the deeper the groove becomes and the stronger the habit, conditioned response, subconscious program becomes. And this works whether the act is positive or negative.

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