Monthly Archives: June 2010
Interview: Week of Power Secrets Revealed Audio Now Available – Plus a Big Bonus!
Did you manage to catch the live interview? This is the REAL DEAL. I really gave everyone the "inside scoop" on my Week of Power, 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self Hypnosis® in this latest interview for the National Guild of … Continue reading
New Self-Hypnosis Site for 7th Pathers!
NEWS FLASH: We have just constructed a new website for our self-hypnosis practitioners. Now 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® practitioners around the world can get the latest information about this mind-body-spirit approach to self-hypnosis all in one place. Keep checking back because … Continue reading
Hypnosis Rumor: Mel Gibson Becoming a Hypnotherapist?
Hypno-Rumor Flash: According to this website, the Braveheart star Mel Gibson is now engaging in a new hobby and it is learning the art of hypnotherapy. His brother Chris is friends with the leading Australian hypnotist Rick Collingwood and he … Continue reading
National Guild of Hypnotists Convention News: Cal Banyan’s Seminars – 5-PATH® Advanced Hypnosis Training, 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® & More
Yes, the NGH Convention is coming up quickly and it is time for you to start making plans to be there and to decide which speakers’ seminars you will want to attend. It is important that if you want to … Continue reading
Science Continues to Find that Hypnosis Has Medical Value
A recent article in the Oakland County, Daily Tribune has just run an interesting article about hypnosis being used in a medical environment. They report that hypnosis has been approved by the National Institutes of Health for improving health and … Continue reading