Science Continues to Find that Hypnosis Has Medical Value

Hypnosis Has Medical ValueA recent article in the Oakland County, Daily Tribune has just run an interesting article about hypnosis being used in a medical environment. They report that hypnosis has been approved by the National Institutes of Health for improving health and well-being. NIH does some research about hypnosis and what help it can give and they found out hypnosis help people with breast cancer reduced pain, discomfort and cost.

There are many studies that were done by different people and institutions about hypnosis and its medical value. It wasn’t only used on reducing pain for breast cancer but also use as treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, duodenal ulcers and indigestion unassociated with ulcers.

Now, hypnosis is another option for people who are looking for alternative ways to help their physical ills. Read more about Hypnosis and its medical value through:

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