Celebrate Your Success

Hypnotist C, Roy Hunter

by C. Roy Hunter

What Is Your Definition of Success?

To many people, success means simply doing what we enjoy doing and doing it well. To some, success describes an ongoing journey through life, filled with accomplishments.

One can successfully reach academic goals, artistic goals, social goals, personal goals, social goals, religious goals, recreational goals, etc. Others measure their successes by the size of their bank accounts; but I have personally known some wealthy people whose financial successes resulted in sadness. Some self-centered achievers discover their financial successes offset by failing totally at love and happiness.

Just as success has many definitions, it also has many roads. People who live abundantly with a win/win attitude in all their endeavors are among the happiest people I’ve ever known. Those who obtain success by sacrificing friends and family may risk bankruptcy in the happiness department. Some roads to wealth might glitter at first, but they may end in spiritual and/or emotional darkness. Quick roads to wealth often come with risks that are too easily overlooked. There are many different roads to success, just as there are many definitions of success.

I believe that success is a journey, not just a destination. Along the path of life, all of us experience numerous successes in many areas besides money: academic, athletic, artistic, personal relationships, romance, career, spiritual, and others. All too often we overlook these many successes because of our quest for the BIG success…or simply because we get caught up in the frustrations of unrealized goals and/or broken dreams.

Now we come to an important metaphor, leading into a very important empowerment exercise. Just as a driver will occasionally glance back in the rear view mirror to see what’s behind, glancing back at our past successes can be constructive. Allow me to explain…

Love Yourself: Celebrate Your Success!

We have the ability to replay old tapes of failures, which keeps regression hypnotists busy; but we also have the ability to replay success tapes! Experience proves the value of remembering past accomplishments. Remembrance of past successes reinforces both personal and professional confidence. Also, enjoying such happy memories helps build self-esteem and self-love. Some people might ask: why should we learn to love ourselves?

If you really love or like somebody, you’ll find yourself much more prone to do something good for that person, even if that person is you! Many people put so much energy into being good husbands/wives, good parents, good employees (or employers), good citizens, and/or good Christians, good “lightworkers,” etc., that they get wrapped up in others and forget to love themselves too. Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, which also includes loving ourselves! I call this the forgotten half of the golden rule.

If someone you love gets discouraged, would you criticize and make him/her feel worse, or would you say something kind and encouraging instead? Then next time you feel discouraged, be kind to yourself! Since 1991 I have emphasized the importance of taking time to simply journey through memories of our own past successes: remembering, reliving, and celebrating them. Clients from all walks of life enjoy profound benefits from the next empowerment exercise…

Empowerment for Peak Performance

I guide my client (or audience) through an empowerment meditation process, which I call: “Celebrate Your Success!” First, choose a personal gesture that will become your peak performance trigger. Some clients touch two fingers together; others squeeze the wrist. Touching my thumb to the palm of the other hand serves as my power point. A computer technician chose to pinch her earlobe. A professional singer decided to touch the backside of his tongue to the roof of his mouth, as he could activate this trigger without anyone else knowing.

Choose a peak performance trigger that feels comfortable to you. During the meditation, you will make a decision the first time the script says, “Activate your power point…” At this moment, you may either accept the trigger you consciously chose, or you may choose a different trigger instead.

I will then guide the client on a series of short journeys back in time to various past successes: academic, artistic (including performing arts), athletic (such as a game-winning hit), professional, social, spiritual, etc. With each journey, I ask my client to replay the success in his/her imagination with as many of the five senses as possible. My instructions are: “Remember any and all of the good emotional feelings you felt, and feel them again. Ignore any criticism received later from people trying to deflate the experience; think only on the positive!

After the inductions, here is a sample of the *script I use:

Now imagine yourself in your own safe place… You may come here in your mind whenever you wish to experience peace within…

Imagine beautiful sights, sounds, and feelings which make you feel at one with nature. This is a journey of imagination. In the rehearsal room of your mind, you may rehearse or relive anything you choose. You may travel through time or space simply by imagining. In an instant you may imagine yourself in your favorite vacation spot… You may now return just as quickly to your own safe place… and as you imagine that inner peace, it becomes real…

In the storehouse of your mind is a record of everything you’ve ever experienced, including your successes and your triumphs… And as you allow my voice to be your guide, your inner creative mind will find that it is easy to re‑create your accomplishments as you go deeper and deeper into the soothing state of hypnotic relaxation…

Now go back in time to an academic accomplishment and relive it in your imagination… Enjoy the accomplishment and appreciate the recognition… Activate your power point as you feel the feelings… Go to your winner’s area…

Wait until client activates power point. If there is no response, give suggestions to choose a power point at this time. Ask for ideomotor response to indicate that this has been done, in case the trigger for peak performance involves something you cannot observe.

Now come back to your place of peace, and take a deep breath and go deeper…deeper and deeper. You are responding very well as you allow my voice to be your guide…

For your next journey you may choose a time when you enjoyed either an athletic or artistic accomplishment – a sports success or an artistic success… RE‑LIVE the experience with as many of your five senses as possible… Activate your power point as you feel the sensations of satisfaction and you create an attitude of gratitude…

From here, I use similar language to guide my clients through other successes, and it is not uncommon for a client to emerge from trance with tears of joy! (The complete script is available in Chapter 14 of my text, The Art of Hypnotherapy from Kendall/Hunt Publishing, available at the Banyan Hypnosis Mall.)

This session is an excellent starting point for clients with confidence problems, or low self-esteem. Even if I plan on employing parts work and/or regression work in subsequent sessions, this makes the client’s first trance journey an enjoyable and productive one…and remember, first impressions are lasting!

* ©1994, revised ©2007 by Roy Hunter, all rights reserved.

Note that my script is copyrighted…but quantity discounts are available if you wish to provide my CD’s for your clients and/or sell them on your own website.

Roy Hunter, M.S., FAPHP, CHI,

practices hypnosis near Seattle, in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA, and trains parts work to professionals around the world. He also works part time for the Franciscan Hospice facilitating hypnosis for terminal patients, and teaches a 9-month professional hypnosis training course based on the teachings of Charles Tebbetts. Roy is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Order of Braid (NGH) for lifetime achievement in the hypnosis profession. Roy also was awarded an honorary PhD from St. John’s University for lifetime achievement in hypnosis.

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