Mind Over Matter

hypnotherapy helps with child birth

Published on: July 11, 2012
Source: Global Times
Author: Wang Shutong

Hypnosis for painless childbirth is a viable alternative to cesarean or painful natural birthing processes.

Many women often fear the miracle of childbirth because of the pain and stress that comes with it. Most women choose cesarean section in order to control and lessen the pain of their childbirth. Now, there is a pain-free alternative to cesarean sections, including hypnosis delivery (also known as hypnotherapy for childbirth). Hypnosis delivery is not a new procedure… in fact, hypnosis delivery has been practiced as early as 1942.

Today, hypnotherapy for childbirth is gaining popularity in hospitals throughout the world. In China, one hospital in the Fengtai district is helping women lessen the pain of childbirth with water birth and hypnosis delivery. Does hypnosis delivery really work? When Wang Yali, a 23 year old woman, used hypnosis delivery, she not only experienced no labor pains but also had a shorter recovery period.

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